Source code for xyzspaces.utils

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 HERE Europe B.V.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# License-Filename: LICENSE

This is a collection of utilities for using XYZ Hub.

Actually, they are almost unspecific to any XYZ Hub functionality, apart
from :func:`feature_to_bbox`, but convenient to use.
import logging
import math
import os
import warnings
from itertools import zip_longest
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional

from geojson import Feature, FeatureCollection, Point, Polygon

from xyzspaces._compact import HAS_GEOPANDAS, HAS_TURFPY

    import geopandas as gpd

    from turfpy.measurement import bbox, bbox_polygon, distance, length
    from turfpy.transformation import intersect

    import geopandas as gpd  # noqa
    from shapely import geometry, wkt

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def join_string_lists(**kwargs) -> dict: """Convert named lists of strings to one dict with comma-separated strings. :param kwargs: Lists of strings :return: Converted dict. Example: >>> join_string_lists(foo=["a", "b", "c"], bar=["a", "b"], foobar=None) {"foo": "a,b,c", "bar": "a,b"} """ return {k: ",".join(v) for k, v in kwargs.items() if v}
# TODO: Check if this is not also provided by geojson package... # Almost: list(geojson.coords(obj) # This should also be a field in feature JSON blob...
[docs]def feature_to_bbox(feature: dict) -> List[float]: """Extract bounding box from GeoJSON feature rectangle. :param feature: A dict representing a GeoJSON feature. :return: A list of four floats representing West, South, East and North margins of the resulting bounding box. """ coords = feature["geometry"]["coordinates"][0] if len(coords) == 5: assert coords[-1] == coords[0] del coords[-1] p0, p1 = coords[0], coords[1] w, s, e, n = p0[0], p0[1], p1[0], p1[1] # unpacking lon, lat, alt in single variable c to avoid issues when alt is # missing in GeoJSON lon = c[0], lat = c[1], alt = c[2] for c in coords[1:]: if c[0] < w: w = c[0] if c[0] > e: e = c[0] if c[1] < s: s = c[1] if c[1] > n: n = c[1] return [w, s, e, n]
[docs]def get_xyz_token() -> str: """ Read and return the value of the environment variable ``XYZ_TOKEN``. :return: The string value of the environment variable or an empty string if no such variable could be found. """ xyz_token = os.environ.get("XYZ_TOKEN") if xyz_token is None: warnings.warn("No token found in environment variable XYZ_TOKEN.") return xyz_token or ""
[docs]def grouper(size, iterable, fillvalue=None): """ Create groups of `size` each from given iterable. :param size: An int representing size of each group. :param iterable: An iterable. :param fillvalue: Value to put for the last group. :return: A generator. """ args = [iter(iterable)] * size return zip_longest(fillvalue=fillvalue, *args)
[docs]def wkt_to_geojson(wkt_data: str) -> dict: """ Converts wkt to geojson :param wkt_data: wkt data to be converted :return: Geojson """ parsed_wkt = wkt.loads(wkt_data) geo = geometry.mapping(parsed_wkt) if geo["type"] == "GeometryCollection": feature_collection = [] for g in geo["geometries"]: feature = Feature(geometry=g) feature_collection.append(feature) return FeatureCollection(feature_collection) else: return Feature(geometry=geo)
[docs]def grid(bbox, cell_width, cell_height, units): """ This function generates the grids for the given bounding box :param bbox: bounding box coordinates :param cell_width: Cell width in specified in units :param cell_height: Cell height in specified in units :param units: Units for given sizes :return: FeatureCollection of grid boxes genarated for the giving bounding box """ results = [] west = bbox[0] south = bbox[1] east = bbox[2] north = bbox[3] start = Feature(geometry=Point((west, south))) end = Feature(geometry=Point((east, south))) x_fraction = cell_width / (distance(start, end, units)) cell_width_deg = x_fraction * (east - west) start = Feature(geometry=Point((west, south))) end = Feature(geometry=Point((west, north))) y_fraction = cell_height / (distance(start, end, units)) cell_height_deg = y_fraction * (north - south) # rows & columns bbox_width = east - west bbox_height = north - south columns = math.ceil(bbox_width / cell_width_deg) rows = math.ceil(bbox_height / cell_height_deg) # if the grid does not fill the bbox perfectly, center it. delta_x = (bbox_width - columns * cell_width_deg) / 2 delta_y = (bbox_height - rows * cell_height_deg) / 2 # iterate over columns & rows current_x = west + delta_x for column in range(0, columns): current_y = south + delta_y for row in range(0, rows): cell_poly = Feature( geometry=Polygon( [ [ [current_x, current_y], [current_x, current_y + cell_height_deg], [ current_x + cell_width_deg, current_y + cell_height_deg, ], [current_x + cell_width_deg, current_y], [current_x, current_y], ] ] ) ) results.append(cell_poly) current_y += cell_height_deg current_x += cell_width_deg return FeatureCollection(results)
[docs]def divide_bbox( feature: dict, cell_width: Optional[float] = None, units: Optional[str] = "m", ): """ Divides the given feature into grid boxes as per given cell width :param feature: Feature to be divide in grid :param cell_width: Width of each grid boxs :param units: Units for the width of grid boxs :return: List of features in which the input feature is divided """ bb = bbox(feature) bbox_polygon_feature = bbox_polygon(bb) if not cell_width: gr = grid( bb, length(bbox_polygon_feature, units=units) / 4, length(bbox_polygon_feature, units=units) / 4, units, ) else: gr = grid(bb, cell_width, cell_width, units) final = [] for f in gr["features"]: try: inter = intersect([f, feature]) if inter: final.append(inter) except Exception: logger.debug("The intersection geometry is incorrect") return final
[docs]def flatten_geometry(data: "gpd.GeoDataFrame") -> "gpd.GeoDataFrame": """ Flatten the geometries in the given GeoPandas dataframe. Flatten geometry is formed by extracting individual geometries from GeometryCollection, MultiPoint, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon. :param data: GeoPandas dataframe to be flatten :return: Flat GeoPandas dataframe """ geometry = data.geometry flattened_geometry = [] flattened_gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame() for geom in geometry: if geom.type in [ "GeometryCollection", "MultiPoint", "MultiLineString", "MultiPolygon", ]: for subgeom in geom: flattened_geometry.append(subgeom) else: flattened_geometry.append(geom) flattened_gdf.geometry = flattened_geometry return flattened_gdf