Source code for

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 HERE Europe B.V.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# License-Filename: LICENSE

"""This is a preliminary collection of little tools that use XYZ."""

from typing import List, Optional

from .apis import HubApi
from .config.default import XYZConfig

[docs]def subset_geojson( gj: dict, config: Optional[XYZConfig] = None, bbox: Optional[List[float]] = None, tile_type: Optional[str] = None, tile_id: Optional[str] = None, clip: Optional[bool] = False, lat: Optional[float] = None, lon: Optional[float] = None, radius: Optional[int] = None, ) -> dict: """Return a subset of the GeoJSON object inside some bbox or map tile or radius. This will create a temporary space, add the provided GeoJSON object, perform the bbox or tile subsetting and return the resulting GeoJSON object after deleting the temporary space again. :param config: An object of `class:XYZConfig`, If not provied ``XYZ_TOKEN`` will be used from environment variable and other configurations will be used as defined in :py:mod:`default_config`. :param gj: The GeoJSON data object. :param bbox: The bounding box described as a list of four numbers (its West, South, East, and North margins). :param tile_type: The tile type, for now one of: ... :param tile_id: The tile ID, a string composed of digits to identify the tile according to the specified tile type. :param clip: A Boolean to indicate if the features should be clipped at the tile or bbox. :param lat: A float to represent latitude. :param lon: A float to represent longitude. :param radius: An int in meter which defines the diameter of the search request. Should be provided with ``lat`` and ``lon`` for spatial search. :returns: A GeoJSON object covering the desired tile or bbox subset of the original GeoJSON object. :raises ValueError: If the wrong combination of ``bbox``, ``tile_type`` and ``tile_id``, ``lat`` and ``lon`` was provided. """ if bbox and (tile_type or tile_id): raise ValueError("The bbox cannot be provided together with tile ID/type.") elif bbox and (lat or lon): raise ValueError("The bbox cannot be provided together with lat and lon.") elif (tile_type or tile_id) and (lat or lon): raise ValueError( "The tile_id and tile_type cannot be provided together with " "lat and lon." ) if not bbox: assert (tile_type and tile_id) or ( lat and lon ), "Tile ID and type or lat and lon must be provided." if bbox: assert len(bbox) == 4 api = HubApi(config=config if config else XYZConfig.from_default()) # Create space. res = api.post_space(data=dict(title="Tile GeoJSON", description="Temporary space.")) space_id = res["id"] # Add features. api.put_space_features(space_id=space_id, data=gj) if bbox: tiled = api.get_space_bbox(space_id=space_id, bbox=bbox, clip=clip) elif tile_type and tile_id: tiled = api.get_space_tile( space_id=space_id, tile_type=tile_type, tile_id=tile_id, clip=True ) elif lat and lon: tiled = api.get_space_spatial(space_id=space_id, lat=lat, lon=lon, radius=radius) # Delete space. api.delete_space(space_id=space_id) return tiled