Source code for xyzspaces.iml.apis.data_interactive_api

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 HERE Europe B.V.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# License-Filename: LICENSE

This module contains a :class:`DataInteractiveApiClient` class to perform API operations.

The HERE API reference documentation used in this module can be found here:

.. |interactive_api_reference| raw:: html

   <a href="" target="_blank">Interactive API Reference</a>
"""  # noqa E501
import copy
import urllib.parse
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

from xyzspaces.iml.apis.api import Api
from xyzspaces.iml.auth import Auth

[docs]class DataInteractiveApi(Api): """ This class provides access to HERE platform Data Interactive APIs. Interactive APIs offer a set of unique capabilities, enabling you to store, retrieve, search for, analyze and modify data at a feature (e.g., a place) and feature property (e.g., the name of the place) level. With interactive APIs, data is stored in GeoJSON and can be retrieved dynamically at any zoom level. """
[docs] def __init__( self, base_url: str, auth: Auth, proxies: Optional[dict] = None, ): super().__init__( access_token=auth.token, proxies=proxies, ) self.base_url = base_url
[docs] @staticmethod def query_params_to_string(params: Dict[str, Union[str, list, tuple]]) -> str: """ Convert query params in a dictionary to string. This method is required as character encoding needs to be skipped for ``,`` to support ``OR`` condition, and if property value has any special character then character encoding is required. As python :mod:`requests` by default does encoding of all the characters hence, this needs to be handled separately. For more details please check: :param params: A dict to represent query params. :return: A string. """ qlist = [] for key, val in params.items(): if isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): qval = ",".join((urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(v)) for v in val)) else: qval = urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(val)) qlist.append(f"{key}={qval}") params_str = "&".join(qlist) return params_str
[docs] def get_feature( # type: ignore[return] self, layer_id: str, feature_id: str, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, force2d: bool = False, ) -> Dict: """ Return the feature with the provided ``feature_id``. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param feature_id: Feature id which is to fetched. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned feature. :param force2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/features/{feature_id}" params: Dict[str, Union[List, str]] = {"force2D": str(force2d).lower()} if selection: params["selection"] = [f"p.{name}" for name in selection] url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" resp = self.get(url, params=params) if resp.status_code == 200: resp_dict: Dict = resp.json() return resp_dict else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def get_features( # type: ignore[return] self, layer_id: str, feature_ids: List, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, force2d: bool = False, ) -> Dict: """ Return all of the features found for the provided list of feature ids. The response is always a FeatureCollection, even if there are no features with the provided ids. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param feature_ids: A list of feature_ids to fetch. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param force2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/features" params = {"id": feature_ids, "force2D": str(force2d).lower()} if selection: params["selection"] = [f"p.{name}" for name in selection] url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" resp = self.get(url, params=params) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def get_statistics( # type: ignore[return] # noqa E501 self, layer_id: str, skip_cache: bool = False ) -> Dict: """ Return statistical information about this layer. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/statistics" params = {"skipCache": str(skip_cache).lower()} url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" resp = self.get(url, params=params) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def get_features_by_bbox( # type: ignore[return] self, layer_id: str, bbox: tuple, clip: bool = False, limit: int = 30000, params: Optional[dict] = None, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, clustering: Optional[str] = None, clustering_params: Optional[Dict] = None, force2d: bool = False, ) -> Dict: """ Return the features which are inside a bounding box stipulated by ``bbox`` parameter. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param bbox: A list of four numbers representing the West, South, East and North margins, respectively, of the bounding box. :param clip: A Boolean indicating if the result should be clipped (default: False). :param limit: A maximum number of features to return in the result. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000. :param params: A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched. Examples: * ``params={"name": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"name!": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` not equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"count=gte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=lte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=gt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than ``10``. * ``params={"count=lt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than ``10``. * ``params={"name=cs": "bar"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` which contains``bar``. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param clustering: The clustering algorithm to apply to the data within the result. Clustering algorithms supported: ``hexbin``, ``quadbin``. :param clustering_params: Parameters for the chosen clustering algorithm. :param force2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: Response from the API. """ # noqa E501 path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/bbox" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" if params: params_str = self.query_params_to_string(params) url = "?".join((url, params_str)) bbox_str = ",".join([str(i) for i in bbox]) q_params = { "bbox": bbox_str, "force2D": str(force2d).lower(), "clip": str(clip).lower(), "limit": limit, "skipCache": str(skip_cache).lower(), } if selection: q_params["selection"] = [f"p.{name}" for name in selection] if clustering is not None: q_params["clustering"] = clustering if clustering_params: d = dict((f"clustering.{k}", v) for (k, v) in clustering_params.items()) q_params.update(d) resp = self.get(url, params=q_params) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def get_features_in_tile( # type: ignore[return] self, layer_id: str, tile_type: str, tile_id: str, clip: bool = False, params: Optional[dict] = None, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, clustering: Optional[str] = None, clustering_params: Optional[Dict] = None, margin: Optional[int] = 0, limit: int = 30000, force2d: bool = False, ) -> Dict: """ Retrieve features in tile. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param tile_type: A string with the name of a tile type, one of "quadkeys", "web", "tms" or "here". The type of tile identifier. "quadkey" - Virtual Earth, "web" - Web Mercator, "tms" - OSGEO Tile Map Service, "here" - Here Tile Schema. :param tile_id: The tile identifier can be provided as quadkey (1), Web Mercator level,x,y coordinates (1_1_0) or OSGEO Tile Map Service level,x,y (1_1_0). :param clip: A Boolean indicating if the result should be clipped (default: False). :param params: A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched. Examples: * ``params={"name": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"name!": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` not equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"count=gte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=lte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=gt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than ``10``. * ``params={"count=lt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than ``10``. * ``params={"name=cs": "bar"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` which contains``bar``. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param clustering: The clustering algorithm to apply to the data within the result. Clustering algorithms supported: ``hexbin``, ``quadbin``. :param clustering_params: Parameters for the chosen clustering algorithm. :param margin: Margin in pixels on the respective projected level around the tile. Default is 0. :param limit: The maximum number of features in the response. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000. :param force2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: Response from the API. """ # noqa E501 path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/tile/{tile_type}/{tile_id}" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" if params: params_str = self.query_params_to_string(params) url = "?".join((url, params_str)) q_params = { "force2D": str(force2d).lower(), "clip": str(clip).lower(), "limit": limit, "skipCache": str(skip_cache).lower(), "margin": margin, } if selection: q_params["selection"] = [f"p.{name}" for name in selection] if clustering is not None: q_params["clustering"] = clustering if clustering_params: d = dict((f"clustering.{k}", v) for (k, v) in clustering_params.items()) q_params.update(d) resp = self.get(url, params=q_params) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def get_features_with_geometry_intersection( # type: ignore[return] self, layer_id: str, data: dict, radius: Optional[int] = None, limit: int = 30000, params: Optional[dict] = None, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, force2d: bool = False, ) -> Dict: """ Retrieve the features which are inside the specified radius and geometry. The origin point is calculated based on the geometry provided as payload. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param data: Geometry which will be used in intersection. :param radius: Radius in meter which defines the diameter of the search request. :param limit: The maximum number of features in the response. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000. :param params: A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched. Examples: * ``params={"name": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"name!": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` not equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"count=gte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=lte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=gt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than ``10``. * ``params={"count=lt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than ``10``. * ``params={"name=cs": "bar"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` which contains``bar``. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param force2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: Response from the API. """ # noqa E501 path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/spatial" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" if params: params_str = self.query_params_to_string(params) url = "?".join((url, params_str)) headers = copy.deepcopy(self.headers) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/geo+json" q_params: Dict[str, Any] = { "force2D": str(force2d).lower(), "limit": limit, "skipCache": str(skip_cache).lower(), } if radius is not None: q_params["radius"] = str(radius) if selection: q_params["selection"] = [f"p.{name}" for name in selection] resp =, params=q_params, data=data, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def search_features( # type: ignore[return] self, layer_id: str, limit: int = 30000, params: Optional[dict] = None, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, force2d: bool = False, ) -> Dict: """ Search for features in the layer. The results are unordered and the request does not allow to continue the search, :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param limit: The maximum number of features in the response. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000. :param params: A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched. Examples: * ``params={"name": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"name!": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` not equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"count=gte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=lte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=gt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than ``10``. * ``params={"count=lt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than ``10``. * ``params={"name=cs": "bar"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` which contains``bar``. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param force2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: Response from the API. """ # noqa E501 path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/search" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" if params: params_str = self.query_params_to_string(params) url = "?".join((url, params_str)) q_params: Dict[str, Any] = { "force2D": str(force2d).lower(), "limit": limit, "skipCache": str(skip_cache).lower(), } if selection: q_params["selection"] = [f"p.{name}" for name in selection] resp = self.get(url, params=q_params) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def iter_features( # type: ignore[return] self, layer_id: str, limit: int = 30000, page_token: Optional[str] = None, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, force2d: bool = False, ) -> Dict: """ Iterate over all of the features in the layer. The features in the response are ordered so that no feature is returned twice. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param limit: The maximum number of features in the response in single iteration. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000. :param page_token: The page token where the iteration will continue. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param force2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/iterate" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" params: Dict[str, Any] = { "limit": limit, "force2D": str(force2d).lower(), "skipCache": str(skip_cache).lower(), } if selection: params["selection"] = [f"p.{name}" for name in selection] if page_token: params["pageToken"] = page_token resp = self.get(url=url, params=params) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def put_features(self, layer_id: str, data: dict): """ Create or replace the provided features. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param data: Request body representing FeatureCollection to create or replace. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/features" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" headers = copy.deepcopy(self.headers) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/geo+json" resp = self.put(url=url, data=data, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def post_features(self, layer_id: str, data: dict): """ Create or patch features. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param data: Request body representing FeatureCollection to create or update. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/features" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" headers = copy.deepcopy(self.headers) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/geo+json" resp =, data=data, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def delete_features(self, layer_id: str, feature_ids: List[str]): """ Delete multiple features from the layer. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param feature_ids: A list of feature_ids to be deleted. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/features" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" params = {"id": feature_ids} resp = self.delete(url=url, params=params) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() elif resp.status_code == 204: return resp.text else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def put_feature(self, layer_id: str, feature_id: str, data: dict): """ Creates or replace a feature in the layer. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param feature_id: Feature id which is to fetched. :param data: Request body representing feature to create or replace. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/features/{feature_id}" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" headers = copy.deepcopy(self.headers) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/geo+json" resp = self.put(url=url, data=data, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def patch_feature(self, layer_id: str, feature_id: str, data: dict): """ Patch an existing feature. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param feature_id: Feature id which is to fetched. :param data: Request body representing feature to change. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/features/{feature_id}" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" headers = copy.deepcopy(self.headers) headers["Content-Type"] = "application/geo+json" resp = self.patch(url=url, data=data, headers=headers) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)
[docs] def delete_feature(self, layer_id: str, feature_id: str): """ Delete an existing feature. :param layer_id: Identifier of the Interactive Map Layer. :param feature_id: Feature id which is to fetched. :return: Response from the API. """ path = f"/layers/{layer_id}/features/{feature_id}" url = f"{self.base_url}{path}" resp = self.delete(url=url) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp.json() elif resp.status_code == 204: return resp.text else: self.raise_response_exception(resp)