Source code for xyzspaces.iml.layer

# Copyright (C) 2019-2021 HERE Europe B.V.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# License-Filename: LICENSE
"""This module defines interactive map layer."""

import copy
import hashlib
import io
import json
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from geojson import Feature, FeatureCollection
from geojson.geometry import Geometry
from geojson.mapping import GEO_INTERFACE_MARKER

from xyzspaces._compact import HAS_GEOPANDAS
from xyzspaces.iml.apis.data_interactive_api import DataInteractiveApi
from xyzspaces.iml.catalog import Catalog
from xyzspaces.utils import grouper

    import geopandas as gpd
    import geopandas as gpd  # noqa

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@dataclass class HexbinClustering: """ This class defines attributes for ``hexbin`` clustering algorithm. """ clustering_type: str = "hexbin" absolute_resolution: Optional[int] = None resolution: Optional[int] = None relative_resolution: Optional[int] = None property: Optional[str] = None pointmode: Optional[bool] = None
[docs]@dataclass class QuadbinClustering: """ This class defines attributes for ``quadbin`` clustering algorithm. """ clustering_type: str = "quadbin" no_buffer: bool = False relative_resolution: Optional[int] = None resolution: Optional[int] = None countmode: Optional[str] = None
[docs]class InteractiveMapApiResponse: """This class defines response returned from Interactive Map APIs."""
[docs] def __init__(self, resp): self.response = resp
[docs] def to_geojson(self) -> Union[Feature, FeatureCollection]: """Return response from API as :class:`geojson.Feature` or :class:`geojson.FeatureCollection` :return: Either GeoJSON Feature or FeatureCollection. :raises NotImplementedError: Response is incorrect. """ if self.response["type"] == "Feature": return Feature( id=self.response["id"], geometry=self.response["geometry"], properties=self.response["properties"], ) elif self.response["type"] == "FeatureCollection": return FeatureCollection(features=self.response["features"]) else: raise NotImplementedError( "Response should be either Feature or FeatureCollection." )
[docs] def to_geopandas(self) -> "gpd.GeoDataFrame": """Return response from API as geopandas dataframe.""" if self.response["type"] != "FeatureCollection": raise NotImplementedError("Response should be FeatureCollection.") fbytes = json.dumps(self.response).encode("utf-8") return gpd.read_file(io.BytesIO(fbytes))
[docs]class InteractiveMapLayer: """This class provides access to data stored in Interactive Map layers."""
[docs] def __init__(self, layer_id: str, catalog: "Catalog"): """Initialize layer instance. :param layer_id: a string with the layer ID of this layer :param catalog: the instance of the Catalog this layer belongs to """ = layer_id self.catalog = catalog self._data_interactive_api: DataInteractiveApi = catalog._data_interactive_api
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Return string representation of this instance.""" return f"layer_id: {}"
@property def statistics(self) -> dict: """ The statistical information of the layer. """ stats: dict = self._data_interactive_api.get_statistics(, skip_cache=True ) return stats
[docs] def get_feature( self, feature_id: str, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, force_2d: bool = False, ) -> InteractiveMapApiResponse: """ Return GeoJSON feature for the provided ``feature_id``. :param feature_id: Feature id which is to fetched. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned feature. :param force_2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: :class:`Feature` object. """ feature = self._data_interactive_api.get_feature(, feature_id=feature_id, selection=selection, force2d=force_2d ) return InteractiveMapApiResponse(feature)
[docs] def get_features( self, feature_ids: List[str], selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, force_2d: bool = False, ) -> InteractiveMapApiResponse: """ Return GeoJSON FeatureCollection for the provided feature_ids. :param feature_ids: A list of feature identifiers to fetch. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param force_2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: :class:`FeatureCollection` object. :raises ValueError: If ``feature_ids`` is empty list. """ if not feature_ids: raise ValueError("Invalid input, please provide at least single feature_id") result = self._data_interactive_api.get_features(, feature_ids=feature_ids, selection=selection, force2d=force_2d, ) return InteractiveMapApiResponse(result)
[docs] def search_features( self, limit: int = 30000, params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, list, tuple]]] = None, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, force_2d: bool = False, ) -> InteractiveMapApiResponse: """ Search for features in the layer based on the properties. :param limit: A maximum number of features to return in the result. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000. :param params: A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched. Examples: * ``params={"name": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"name!": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` not equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"count=gte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=lte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=gt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than ``10``. * ``params={"count=lt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than ``10``. * ``params={"name=cs": "bar"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` which contains``bar``. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param force_2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: :class:`FeatureCollection` object. """ # noqa E501 result = self._data_interactive_api.search_features(, limit=limit, params=params, selection=selection, skip_cache=skip_cache, force2d=force_2d, ) return InteractiveMapApiResponse(result)
[docs] def iter_features( self, chunk_size: int = 30000, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, force_2d: bool = False, ) -> Iterator[Feature]: """ Return all the features in a Layer as Generator. :param chunk_size: A number of features to return in single iteration. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param force_2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :yields: A :class:`Feature` object. """ page_token = None while True: resp = self._data_interactive_api.iter_features(, limit=chunk_size, page_token=page_token, selection=selection, skip_cache=skip_cache, force2d=force_2d, ) page_token = resp.get("nextPageToken") features = resp["features"] for f in features: yield Feature( id=f["id"], geometry=f["geometry"], properties=f["properties"] ) if page_token is None: break
[docs] def get_features_in_bounding_box( self, bounds: Tuple[float, float, float, float], clip: bool = False, limit: int = 30000, params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, list, tuple]]] = None, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, clustering: Optional[Union[HexbinClustering, QuadbinClustering]] = None, force_2d: bool = False, ) -> InteractiveMapApiResponse: """ Return the features which are inside a bounding box stipulated by ``bounds`` parameter. :param bounds: A tuple of four numbers representing the West, South, East and North margins, respectively, of the bounding box. :param clip: A Boolean indicating if the result should be clipped (default: False) :param limit: A maximum number of features to return in the result. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000. :param params: A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched. Examples: * ``params={"name": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"name!": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` not equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"count=gte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=lte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=gt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than ``10``. * ``params={"count=lt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than ``10``. * ``params={"name=cs": "bar"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` which contains``bar``. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param clustering: An object of either :class:`HexbinClustering` or :class:`QuadbinClustering`. :param force_2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: :class:`FeatureCollection` object. """ # noqa E501 clustering_params = {} if clustering: clustering_options = copy.deepcopy(vars(clustering)) clustering_type = clustering_options.pop("clustering_type") for key, val in clustering_options.items(): if val is not None: init, *temp = key.split("_") if temp: new_key = "".join([init.lower(), *map(str.title, temp)]) clustering_params[new_key] = str(val).lower() else: clustering_params[init] = str(val).lower() else: clustering_type = None result = self._data_interactive_api.get_features_by_bbox(, bbox=bounds, clip=clip, limit=limit, params=params, selection=selection, skip_cache=skip_cache, clustering=clustering_type, clustering_params=clustering_params if clustering_params else None, force2d=force_2d, ) return InteractiveMapApiResponse(result)
[docs] def spatial_search_geometry( self, geometry: Union[Feature, Geometry, dict, Any], radius: Optional[int] = None, limit: int = 30000, params: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, list, tuple]]] = None, selection: Optional[List[str]] = None, skip_cache: bool = False, force_2d: bool = False, ) -> InteractiveMapApiResponse: """ Return the features which are inside the specified radius and geometry. The origin point is calculated based on the provided geometry. :param geometry: Geometry which will be used in intersection. :type: a GeoJSON Feature of Geometry or any object that supports the ``__geo_interface__``. :param radius: Radius in meter which defines the diameter of the search request. :param limit: The maximum number of features in the response. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000. :param params: A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched. Examples: * ``params={"name": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"name!": "foo"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` not equal to ``foo``. * ``params={"count=gte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=lte": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than or equal to ``10``. * ``params={"count=gt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` greater than ``10``. * ``params={"count=lt": "10"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``count`` less than ``10``. * ``params={"name=cs": "bar"}`` returns all features with a value of property ``name`` which contains``bar``. :param selection: A list, only these properties will be present in returned features. :param skip_cache: If set to ``True`` the response is not returned from cache. Default is ``False``. :param force_2d: If set to ``True`` then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned. :return: :class:`FeatureCollection` object. """ # noqa E501 if hasattr(geometry, GEO_INTERFACE_MARKER): geometry = getattr(geometry, GEO_INTERFACE_MARKER) if hasattr(geometry, "geometry"): geometry = getattr(geometry, "geometry") result = self._data_interactive_api.get_features_with_geometry_intersection(, data=geometry, radius=radius, limit=limit, params=params, selection=selection, skip_cache=skip_cache, force2d=force_2d, ) return InteractiveMapApiResponse(result)
[docs] def write_feature(self, feature_id: str, data: Union[Feature, dict]) -> None: """ Write GeoJSON feature to Layer. :param feature_id: Identifier for the feature. :param data: GeoJSON feature which is written to layer. """ self._data_interactive_api.put_feature(, feature_id=feature_id, data=data )
[docs] def update_feature(self, feature_id: str, data: Union[Feature, dict]) -> None: """ Update the GeoJSON feature in the Layer. :param feature_id: A feature_id to be updated. :param data: A GeoJSON Feature object to update. """ self._data_interactive_api.patch_feature(, feature_id=feature_id, data=data )
[docs] def delete_feature(self, feature_id: str) -> None: """ Delete feature from the layer. :param feature_id: A feature_id to be deleted. """ self._data_interactive_api.delete_feature(, feature_id=feature_id)
[docs] def write_features( self, features: Optional[ Union[FeatureCollection, dict, Iterator[Feature], List[Feature]] ] = None, from_file: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None, feature_count: int = 2000, ) -> None: """ Write GeoJSON FeatureCollection to layer. As API has a limitation on the size of features, features are divided into groups, and each group has number of features based on ``feature_count``. :param features: Features represented by :class:`FeatureCollection`, Dict, :class:`Iterator` or list of features. :param from_file: Path of GeoJSON file. :param feature_count: An int representing a number of features to upload at a time. """ if features is not None: if isinstance(features, (FeatureCollection, dict)): feature_groups = grouper( size=feature_count, iterable=features["features"] ) self._upload_features(feature_groups=feature_groups) elif isinstance(features, (Iterator, list)): feature_groups = grouper(size=feature_count, iterable=features) self._upload_features(feature_groups=feature_groups) elif from_file is not None: with open(from_file) as fh: feature_col = json.load(fh) feature_groups = grouper(size=feature_count, iterable=feature_col["features"]) self._upload_features(feature_groups=feature_groups)
[docs] def _upload_features(self, feature_groups: Iterator[Union[Feature, Dict]]) -> None: features_set = set() for group in feature_groups: features_list = [] for feature in group: if feature: if "id" not in feature: feature["id"] = hashlib.md5( json.dumps(feature, sort_keys=True).encode("utf-8") ).hexdigest() if feature["id"] not in features_set: features_set.add(feature["id"]) features_list.append(feature) else: logger.debug( f"feature with id {feature['id']} is skipped due to " f"duplicate id " ) feature_collection = FeatureCollection(features=features_list) self._data_interactive_api.put_features(, data=feature_collection )
[docs] def update_features(self, data: Union[FeatureCollection, dict]) -> None: """ Update multiple features provided as ``FeatureCollection`` object. :param data: A :class:`FeatureCollection` to be updated. """ if data: self._data_interactive_api.post_features(, data=data)
[docs] def delete_features(self, feature_ids: List[str]) -> None: """ Delete features from layer. :param feature_ids: A list of feature_ids to be deleted. """ if feature_ids: self._data_interactive_api.delete_features(, feature_ids=feature_ids )