xyzspaces.iml.layer module

This module defines interactive map layer.

class xyzspaces.iml.layer.HexbinClustering(clustering_type='hexbin', absolute_resolution=None, resolution=None, relative_resolution=None, property=None, pointmode=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class defines attributes for hexbin clustering algorithm.

  • clustering_type (str) –

  • absolute_resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • relative_resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • property (Optional[str]) –

  • pointmode (Optional[bool]) –

Return type


clustering_type: str = 'hexbin'
absolute_resolution: Optional[int] = None
resolution: Optional[int] = None
relative_resolution: Optional[int] = None
property: Optional[str] = None
pointmode: Optional[bool] = None
__annotations__ = {'absolute_resolution': typing.Union[int, NoneType], 'clustering_type': <class 'str'>, 'pointmode': typing.Union[bool, NoneType], 'property': typing.Union[str, NoneType], 'relative_resolution': typing.Union[int, NoneType], 'resolution': typing.Union[int, NoneType]}
__dataclass_fields__ = {'absolute_resolution': Field(name='absolute_resolution',type=typing.Union[int, NoneType],default=None,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'clustering_type': Field(name='clustering_type',type=<class 'str'>,default='hexbin',default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'pointmode': Field(name='pointmode',type=typing.Union[bool, NoneType],default=None,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'property': Field(name='property',type=typing.Union[str, NoneType],default=None,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'relative_resolution': Field(name='relative_resolution',type=typing.Union[int, NoneType],default=None,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'resolution': Field(name='resolution',type=typing.Union[int, NoneType],default=None,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)}
__dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,order=False,unsafe_hash=False,frozen=False)

Return self==value.

__hash__ = None
__init__(clustering_type='hexbin', absolute_resolution=None, resolution=None, relative_resolution=None, property=None, pointmode=None)
  • clustering_type (str) –

  • absolute_resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • relative_resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • property (Optional[str]) –

  • pointmode (Optional[bool]) –

Return type



Return repr(self).

class xyzspaces.iml.layer.QuadbinClustering(clustering_type='quadbin', no_buffer=False, relative_resolution=None, resolution=None, countmode=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class defines attributes for quadbin clustering algorithm.

  • clustering_type (str) –

  • no_buffer (bool) –

  • relative_resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • countmode (Optional[str]) –

Return type


clustering_type: str = 'quadbin'
no_buffer: bool = False
relative_resolution: Optional[int] = None
resolution: Optional[int] = None
countmode: Optional[str] = None
__annotations__ = {'clustering_type': <class 'str'>, 'countmode': typing.Union[str, NoneType], 'no_buffer': <class 'bool'>, 'relative_resolution': typing.Union[int, NoneType], 'resolution': typing.Union[int, NoneType]}
__dataclass_fields__ = {'clustering_type': Field(name='clustering_type',type=<class 'str'>,default='quadbin',default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'countmode': Field(name='countmode',type=typing.Union[str, NoneType],default=None,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'no_buffer': Field(name='no_buffer',type=<class 'bool'>,default=False,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'relative_resolution': Field(name='relative_resolution',type=typing.Union[int, NoneType],default=None,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD), 'resolution': Field(name='resolution',type=typing.Union[int, NoneType],default=None,default_factory=<dataclasses._MISSING_TYPE object>,init=True,repr=True,hash=None,compare=True,metadata=mappingproxy({}),_field_type=_FIELD)}
__dataclass_params__ = _DataclassParams(init=True,repr=True,eq=True,order=False,unsafe_hash=False,frozen=False)

Return self==value.

__hash__ = None
__init__(clustering_type='quadbin', no_buffer=False, relative_resolution=None, resolution=None, countmode=None)
  • clustering_type (str) –

  • no_buffer (bool) –

  • relative_resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • resolution (Optional[int]) –

  • countmode (Optional[str]) –

Return type



Return repr(self).

class xyzspaces.iml.layer.InteractiveMapApiResponse(resp)[source]

Bases: object

This class defines response returned from Interactive Map APIs.


Return response from API as geojson.Feature or geojson.FeatureCollection


Either GeoJSON Feature or FeatureCollection.


NotImplementedError – Response is incorrect.

Return type

Union[geojson.feature.Feature, geojson.feature.FeatureCollection]


Return response from API as geopandas dataframe.

Return type


class xyzspaces.iml.layer.InteractiveMapLayer(layer_id, catalog)[source]

Bases: object

This class provides access to data stored in Interactive Map layers.

  • layer_id (str) –

  • catalog (Catalog) –

__init__(layer_id, catalog)[source]

Initialize layer instance.

  • layer_id (str) – a string with the layer ID of this layer

  • catalog (xyzspaces.iml.catalog.Catalog) – the instance of the Catalog this layer belongs to


Return string representation of this instance.

property statistics: dict

The statistical information of the layer.

get_feature(feature_id, selection=None, force_2d=False)[source]

Return GeoJSON feature for the provided feature_id.

  • feature_id (str) – Feature id which is to fetched.

  • selection (Optional[List[str]]) – A list, only these properties will be present in returned feature.

  • force_2d (bool) – If set to True then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned.


Feature object.

Return type


get_features(feature_ids, selection=None, force_2d=False)[source]

Return GeoJSON FeatureCollection for the provided feature_ids.

  • feature_ids (List[str]) – A list of feature identifiers to fetch.

  • selection (Optional[List[str]]) – A list, only these properties will be present in returned features.

  • force_2d (bool) – If set to True then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned.


FeatureCollection object.


ValueError – If feature_ids is empty list.

Return type


search_features(limit=30000, params=None, selection=None, skip_cache=False, force_2d=False)[source]

Search for features in the layer based on the properties.

  • limit (int) – A maximum number of features to return in the result. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000.

  • params (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, list, tuple]]]) –

    A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched.


    • params={"name": "foo"} returns all features with a value of property name equal to foo.

    • params={"name!": "foo"} returns all features with a value of property name not equal to foo.

    • params={"count=gte": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count greater than or equal to 10.

    • params={"count=lte": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count less than or equal to 10.

    • params={"count=gt": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count greater than 10.

    • params={"count=lt": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count less than 10.

    • params={"name=cs": "bar"} returns all features with a value of property name which contains``bar``.

  • selection (Optional[List[str]]) – A list, only these properties will be present in returned features.

  • skip_cache (bool) – If set to True the response is not returned from cache. Default is False.

  • force_2d (bool) – If set to True then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned.


FeatureCollection object.

Return type


iter_features(chunk_size=30000, selection=None, skip_cache=False, force_2d=False)[source]

Return all the features in a Layer as Generator.

  • chunk_size (int) – A number of features to return in single iteration.

  • selection (Optional[List[str]]) – A list, only these properties will be present in returned features.

  • skip_cache (bool) – If set to True the response is not returned from cache. Default is False.

  • force_2d (bool) – If set to True then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned.


A Feature object.

Return type


get_features_in_bounding_box(bounds, clip=False, limit=30000, params=None, selection=None, skip_cache=False, clustering=None, force_2d=False)[source]

Return the features which are inside a bounding box stipulated by bounds parameter.

  • bounds (Tuple[float, float, float, float]) – A tuple of four numbers representing the West, South, East and North margins, respectively, of the bounding box.

  • clip (bool) – A Boolean indicating if the result should be clipped (default: False)

  • limit (int) – A maximum number of features to return in the result. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000.

  • params (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, list, tuple]]]) –

    A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched.


    • params={"name": "foo"} returns all features with a value of property name equal to foo.

    • params={"name!": "foo"} returns all features with a value of property name not equal to foo.

    • params={"count=gte": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count greater than or equal to 10.

    • params={"count=lte": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count less than or equal to 10.

    • params={"count=gt": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count greater than 10.

    • params={"count=lt": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count less than 10.

    • params={"name=cs": "bar"} returns all features with a value of property name which contains``bar``.

  • selection (Optional[List[str]]) – A list, only these properties will be present in returned features.

  • skip_cache (bool) – If set to True the response is not returned from cache. Default is False.

  • clustering (Optional[Union[xyzspaces.iml.layer.HexbinClustering, xyzspaces.iml.layer.QuadbinClustering]]) – An object of either HexbinClustering or QuadbinClustering.

  • force_2d (bool) – If set to True then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned.


FeatureCollection object.

Return type


Return the features which are inside the specified radius.

  • lng (float) – The longitude in WGS’84 decimal degree (-180 to +180) of the center Point.

  • lat (float) – The latitude in WGS’84 decimal degree (-90 to +90) of the center Point.

  • radius (int) – Radius in meter which defines the diameter of the search request.

  • limit (int) – The maximum number of features in the response. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000.

  • params (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, list, tuple]]]) –

    A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched.


    • params={"name": "foo"} returns all features with a value of property name equal to foo.

    • params={"name!": "foo"} returns all features with a value of property name not equal to foo.

    • params={"count=gte": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count greater than or equal to 10.

    • params={"count=lte": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count less than or equal to 10.

    • params={"count=gt": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count greater than 10.

    • params={"count=lt": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count less than 10.

    • params={"name=cs": "bar"} returns all features with a value of property name which contains``bar``.

  • selection (Optional[List[str]]) – A list, only these properties will be present in returned features.

  • skip_cache (bool) – If set to True the response is not returned from cache. Default is False.

  • force_2d (bool) – If set to True then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned.


FeatureCollection object.

Return type


spatial_search_geometry(geometry, radius=None, limit=30000, params=None, selection=None, skip_cache=False, force_2d=False)[source]

Return the features which are inside the specified radius and geometry.

The origin point is calculated based on the provided geometry.

  • geometry (Union[geojson.feature.Feature, geojson.geometry.Geometry, dict, Any]) – Geometry which will be used in intersection.

  • radius (Optional[int]) – Radius in meter which defines the diameter of the search request.

  • limit (int) – The maximum number of features in the response. Default is 30000. Hard limit is 100000.

  • params (Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, list, tuple]]]) –

    A dict to represent additional filters on features to be searched.


    • params={"name": "foo"} returns all features with a value of property name equal to foo.

    • params={"name!": "foo"} returns all features with a value of property name not equal to foo.

    • params={"count=gte": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count greater than or equal to 10.

    • params={"count=lte": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count less than or equal to 10.

    • params={"count=gt": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count greater than 10.

    • params={"count=lt": "10"} returns all features with a value of property count less than 10.

    • params={"name=cs": "bar"} returns all features with a value of property name which contains``bar``.

  • selection (Optional[List[str]]) – A list, only these properties will be present in returned features.

  • skip_cache (bool) – If set to True the response is not returned from cache. Default is False.

  • force_2d (bool) – If set to True then features in the response will have only X and Y components, else all x,y,z coordinates will be returned.


a GeoJSON Feature of Geometry or any object that supports the __geo_interface__.


FeatureCollection object.

Return type


write_feature(feature_id, data)[source]

Write GeoJSON feature to Layer.

  • feature_id (str) – Identifier for the feature.

  • data (Union[geojson.feature.Feature, dict]) – GeoJSON feature which is written to layer.

Return type


update_feature(feature_id, data)[source]

Update the GeoJSON feature in the Layer.

  • feature_id (str) – A feature_id to be updated.

  • data (Union[geojson.feature.Feature, dict]) – A GeoJSON Feature object to update.

Return type



Delete feature from the layer.


feature_id (str) – A feature_id to be deleted.

Return type


write_features(features=None, from_file=None, feature_count=2000)[source]

Write GeoJSON FeatureCollection to layer.

As API has a limitation on the size of features, features are divided into groups, and each group has number of features based on feature_count.

  • features (Optional[Union[geojson.feature.FeatureCollection, dict, Iterator[geojson.feature.Feature], List[geojson.feature.Feature]]]) – Features represented by FeatureCollection, Dict, Iterator or list of features.

  • from_file (Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]]) – Path of GeoJSON file.

  • feature_count (int) – An int representing a number of features to upload at a time.

Return type



feature_groups (Iterator[Union[geojson.feature.Feature, Dict]]) –

Return type



Update multiple features provided as FeatureCollection object.


data (Union[geojson.feature.FeatureCollection, dict]) – A FeatureCollection to be updated.

Return type



Delete features from layer.


feature_ids (List[str]) – A list of feature_ids to be deleted.

Return type
