Source code for xyzspaces.iml

"""This module defines ``IML`` class to interact with Interactive Map Layer."""

import logging
import time
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from xyzspaces.iml.apis.aaa_oauth2_api import AAAOauth2Api
from xyzspaces.iml.apis.data_config_api import DataConfigApi
from xyzspaces.iml.auth import Auth
from xyzspaces.iml.catalog import Catalog
from xyzspaces.iml.credentials import Credentials
from xyzspaces.iml.layer import InteractiveMapLayer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class IML: """A single interface to interact with Interactive Map Layer."""
[docs] def __init__(self): self.catalog = None self.layer = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_catalog_hrn_and_layer_id( cls, catalog_hrn: str, layer_id: str, credentials: Optional[Credentials] = None ) -> "IML": """Instantiate a IML object for an existing catalog and interactive map layer. :param catalog_hrn: HRN of the catalog. :param layer_id: a string with the layer ID of this layer. :param credentials: object of :class:`Credentials`. :return: Object of IML """ obj = cls() cred = credentials or Credentials.from_default() catalog = Catalog(hrn=catalog_hrn, credentials=cred) obj.catalog = catalog obj.layer = InteractiveMapLayer(layer_id=layer_id, catalog=catalog) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def new( cls, catalog_id: str, catalog_name: str, catalog_summary: str, catalog_description: str, layer_details: Dict, credentials: Optional[Credentials] = None, billing_tag: Optional[str] = None, proxies: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> "IML": """ Create a new catalog and interactive map layer. :param catalog_id: ID of the catalog. :param catalog_name: name of the catalog. :param catalog_summary: catalog summary. :param catalog_description: catalog description. :param layer_details: A dict to represent interactive map layer details. :param credentials: A Credentials instance. :param billing_tag: A string to represent billing tag. :param proxies: A dict to represnt proxies. :return: Object of IML. """ data: Dict[str, Any] = dict(layers=[layer_details]) data["id"] = catalog_id data["name"] = catalog_name data["summary"] = catalog_summary data["description"] = catalog_description cred = credentials or Credentials.from_default() aaa_oauth2_api = AAAOauth2Api( base_url=cred.cred_properties["endpoint"], proxies={} ) auth = Auth(credentials=cred, aaa_oauth2_api=aaa_oauth2_api) data_config_api = DataConfigApi(auth=auth, proxies=proxies) response = data_config_api.create_catalog(data=data, billing_tag=billing_tag) status_response, complete = data_config_api.get_catalog_status( response["href"], billing_tag ) while not complete: time.sleep(5) status_response, complete = data_config_api.get_catalog_status( response["href"], billing_tag ) obj = cls() obj.catalog = Catalog(hrn=status_response["hrn"], credentials=cred) cat_details = obj.catalog.get_details() lyr_details = {lr["id"]: lr for lr in cat_details["layers"]} assert layer_details["id"] in lyr_details, "provided layer_id is not created." obj.layer = InteractiveMapLayer(layer_id=layer_details["id"], catalog=obj.catalog) return obj
[docs] def add_interactive_map_layer( self, catalog_hrn: str, layer_details: Dict, credentials: Optional[Credentials] = None, billing_tag: Optional[str] = None, proxies: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> None: """Add a new interactive map layer to existing catalog. :param catalog_hrn: HRN of the catalog. :param layer_details: A dict to represent interactive map layer details. :param credentials: A Credentials instance. :param billing_tag: A string to represent billing tag. :param proxies: A dict to represnt proxies. """ cred = credentials or Credentials.from_default() self.catalog = Catalog(hrn=catalog_hrn, credentials=cred) catalog_details = self.catalog.get_details() existing_layers = catalog_details.get("layers", []) existing_layers.append(layer_details) data: Dict[str, Any] = dict(layers=existing_layers) data["id"] = catalog_details["id"] data["name"] = catalog_details["name"] data["summary"] = catalog_details["summary"] data["description"] = catalog_details["description"] aaa_oauth2_api = AAAOauth2Api( base_url=cred.cred_properties["endpoint"], proxies={} ) auth = Auth(credentials=cred, aaa_oauth2_api=aaa_oauth2_api) data_config_api = DataConfigApi(auth=auth, proxies=proxies) response = data_config_api.update_catalog( catalog_hrn=catalog_hrn, data=data, billing_tag=billing_tag ) status_response, complete = data_config_api.get_catalog_status( response["href"], billing_tag=billing_tag ) while not complete: time.sleep(5) status_response, complete = data_config_api.get_catalog_status( response["href"], billing_tag=billing_tag ) self.layer = InteractiveMapLayer( layer_id=layer_details["id"], catalog=self.catalog )
[docs] def delete_catalog( self, catalog_hrn: str, credentials: Optional[Credentials] = None, billing_tag: Optional[str] = None, proxies: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> None: """ Delete a catalog along with the layers it contains. :param catalog_hrn: The *HERE Resource Name* of the catalog :param credentials: The credentials object. :param billing_tag: A string to represent billing tag. :param proxies: A dict to represnt proxies. """ cred = credentials or Credentials.from_default() aaa_oauth2_api = AAAOauth2Api( base_url=cred.cred_properties["endpoint"], proxies={} ) auth = Auth(credentials=cred, aaa_oauth2_api=aaa_oauth2_api) data_config_api = DataConfigApi(auth=auth, proxies=proxies) response = data_config_api.delete_catalog(catalog_hrn, billing_tag) while True: time.sleep(5) status_response, complete = data_config_api.get_catalog_status( response["href"], billing_tag=billing_tag ) status = status_response["status"] logger.debug(f"Catalog delete: {catalog_hrn} state: {status}") if complete: f"Catalog deletion for hrn: {catalog_hrn} finished with status: " f"{status} " ) self.catalog = None self.layer = None return