Source code for xyzspaces.curl

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# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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r"""This module contains functionality related to ``curl`` commands.

It provides methods for creating/executing ``curl`` commands which mimic
the ``requests`` signatures.

This module has been mainly designed to be used in the ``Api`` module for
logging purposes.

The ``curl`` module could be also used as stand alone:


>>> import xyzspaces.curl as curl
>>> command = curl.get(url='')
['curl', '--request', 'GET', '']
>>> curl.execute(command)
b'{"month": "3", "num": 552, "link": "", "year": "2009", "news": "", "safe_title": "Correlation", "transcript": "[[A man is talking to a woman]]\\nMan: I used to think correlation implied causation.\\nMan: Then I took a statistics class.  Now I don\'t.\\nWoman: Sounds like the class helped.\\nMan: Well, maybe.\\n{{Title text: Correlation doesn\'t imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing \'look over there\'.}}", "alt": "Correlation doesn\'t imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing \'look over there\'.", "img": "", "title": "Correlation", "day": "6"}'  # noqa: E501

import subprocess as sp
from json import dumps as json_dumps
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlencode

from requests.models import Response

[docs]def get(url, params=None, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """Run ``curl`` ``GET`` mimicking the ``requests.get()`` signature. This completes a ``curl`` ``GET`` command. :param url: The URL of the server including the path. :param params: The query string params. :param kwargs: Further keyword arguments that should match those expected by :mod:`requests`. :return: The ``List[str]`` representation of the ``curl`` ``GET`` command. Example: >>> import xyzspaces.curl as curl >>> curl.get(url="") ['curl', '--request', 'GET', 'ttps://'] """ return command(url, "get", params, **kwargs)
[docs]def put(url, data=None, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """Run ``curl`` ``PUT`` command mimicking the ``requests.put()`` signature. This completes a ``curl`` ``PUT`` command. :param url: The URL of the server including the path for the new object. :param data: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. :param kwargs: Further keyword arguments that should match those expected by :mod:`requests`. :return: The ``List[str]`` representation of the ``curl`` ``PUT`` command. """ return command(url, "put", data=data, **kwargs)
[docs]def patch(url, data=None, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """Run ``curl`` ``PATCH`` command mimicking the ``requests.patch()`` signature. This completes a ``curl`` ``PATCH`` command. :param url: The URL of the server including the path for the new object. :param data: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. :param kwargs: Further keyword arguments that should match those expected by :mod:`requests`. :return: The ``List[str]`` representation of the ``curl`` ``PATCH`` command. """ return command(url, "patch", data=data, **kwargs)
[docs]def post(url, data=None, json=None, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """Run ``curl`` ``POST`` command mimicking the ```` signature. This completes a ``curl`` ``POST`` command. :param url: The URL of the server including the path for the new object. :param data: (optional) Dictionary, list of tuples, bytes, or file-like object. :param json: (optional) json data. :param kwargs: Further keyword arguments that should match those expected by :mod:`requests`. :return: The ``List[str]`` representation of the ``curl`` ``POST`` command. """ return command(url, "post", data=data, json=json, **kwargs)
[docs]def delete(url, **kwargs) -> List[str]: """Run ``curl`` ``DELETE`` command mimicking the ``requests.delete()`` signature. This completes a ``curl`` ``DELETE`` command. :param url: The URL of the server including the path. :param kwargs: Further keyword arguments that should match those expected by :mod:`requests`. :return: The ``List[str]`` representation of the ``curl`` ``DELETE`` command. """ return command(url, "delete", **kwargs)
[docs]def command( url: str, method: str, params: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs: Optional[Mapping], ) -> List[str]: """Return a ``curl`` command equivalent from the params for :mod:`requests`. This builds and returns a list of strings representing a ``curl`` command that can be directly passed to functions like :func:`subprocess.check_output`. When joined with blanks into a single string it can also be used for logging or pasting to a terminal. To be used like :func:`requests.get`, passing the same params for headers, cookies, etc. So the function signature is similar to :func:`requests.get`, with additional ``method`` parameter. :param url: The URL of the server including the path. :param method: The HTTP method name, e.g. "GET", "PUT", etc. :param params: The query string params. :param kwargs: Further keyword arguments that should match those expected by :mod:`requests`. :return: The generated ``curl`` command (a list of strings). Example: >>> import xyzspaces.curl as curl >>> curl.command(method="get", url="") ['curl', '--request', 'GET', ''] """ command = ["curl", "--request", method.upper()] if params: url += "?" + urlencode(params) command += [url] cookies = kwargs.get("cookies") if cookies: command += ' --cookie "%s"' % ";".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in cookies.items()) headers = kwargs.get("headers") if headers: for k, v in headers.items(): command += ["--header", f"{k}: {v}"] json = kwargs.get("json") if json: if headers and "Content-Type" not in headers: command += ["--header", "Content-Type: application/json"] command += ["--data", json_dumps(json)] data = kwargs.get("data") if data: if headers and "Content-Type" not in headers: command += [ "--header", "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", ] command += ["--data", "&".join(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in data.items())] proxies = kwargs.get("proxies") if proxies: for _, v in proxies.items(): command += ["--proxy", v] return command
[docs]def execute(command: List[str]) -> Response: r"""Execute a ``command`` and create the ``requests.models.Response`` object. The Python's ``subprocess`` module will be used for the executing a ``command``. In the ``requests.models.Response`` object will be initialized following attributes: _content: The response data from the ``stdout`` status_code: Simplified conversion from the ``subprocess.CompletedProcess.returncode`` to ``HTTP`` ones 200 ~ 0, 500 ~ >0. :param command: The ``curl`` to be executed in the ``List[str]`` type. :return: The generated ``requests.models.Response`` object. Example: >>> import xyzspaces.curl as curl >>> command = curl.get(url='') ['curl', '--request', 'GET', 'ttps://'] >>> curl.execute(command) b'{"month": "3", "num": 552, "link": "", "year": "2009", "news": "", "safe_title": "Correlation", "transcript": "[[A man is talking to a woman]]\\nMan: I used to think correlation implied causation.\\nMan: Then I took a statistics class. Now I don\'t.\\nWoman: Sounds like the class helped.\\nMan: Well, maybe.\\n{{Title text: Correlation doesn\'t imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing \'look over there\'.}}", "alt": "Correlation doesn\'t imply causation, but it does waggle its eyebrows suggestively and gesture furtively while mouthing \'look over there\'.", "img": "", "title": "Correlation", "day": "6"}' # noqa: E501 [...] """ CurlResponse = type( "CurlResponse", (Response,), {"setcontent": lambda self, content: setattr(self, "_content", content)}, ) response = CurlResponse() try: cp = command, stdin=sp.PIPE, stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE, close_fds=True, ) response.status_code = 200 if cp.returncode == 0 else 500 response.setcontent(cp.stdout) except: # noqa: E722 response.status_code = 500 return response